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Easy and Simple Speech Topics on Popular Subjects


* Teachers should be required to take basic skills tests every few years to keep their certification
* Less professional advertisements in schools
* Why single-sex public schools are better than co-ed
* SAT scores for college applicants
* Student cyber bullies should be expelled from school
* Hazing on college campuses is a problem
* Higher education is a basic need for succeeding in life today.
* Schools should not serve french fries and soda
* Students that study online cheat more.
* Classic literature should only be for college students.
* Every student in every school should wear a uniform
* Students should be placed in trade schools after getting a basic education
* Exam scores have little indication on a student’s abilities
* History textbooks don’t tell the whole truth
* Learning about all world religions in schools is important
* Homeschooling is better than traditional education
* Phones are distracting students from learning
* Going to college has little bearing on a successful future
* Students should learn and be fluent in a second language
* Mandatory community service for students to graduate high school
*Should tablets and other technology replace books?
* Schools should educate on proper nutrition from start to finish
* Regulating the music at school dances to eliminate cursing
* The impact of gym class on students

Family, Friends, Relationships


* Dual parent households benefit children more.
* Couples are wrong to stay together for the kids.
* Family must always come first.
* Parents need to stop forcing their own dreams on their children.
* Live together before getting married.
* Married couples must have date nights.
* Breastfeeding is better than formula feeding
* Discipline should be based on rewards, not punishment
* Divorce doesn’t damage children.
* Lower cost childcare or childcare provided at every workplace
* Make help more readily available to single pregnant mothers
* Never borrow money from friends.
* Pros and cons of abstinence
* Imposing a curfew on kids 17 and under
* Parents should be accountable for not providing a healthy diet to their children
* Kids having jam-packed schedules isn’t good for them
* Long distance relationships don’t work.
* It’s not good to be an only child.
* Families eating together is important
* Kids today are being made to be selfish, disrespectful, and entitled
* Teenagers should contribute to household expenses
* The need for parental consent to give teen girls birth control
* Restrictions on how many children one family can have
* Free counseling to at-risk youth
* Parents right to give consent for their child to drink at home under supervision
* Should parents respect kids privacy at all times?
* How it takes a village to raise a child
* Parent’s responsibility to discuss sex education
* Video game violence causing violent kids
* Imposing better and more affordable options for the aging community



* Dogs are better pets than cats.
* Exotic animals are not pets.
* Neutering pets is a must.
* Humans have turned pit bulls into monsters.
* Zoos do not give animals enough space.
* Adopt don’t shop is key to getting a pet.
* Birds are not meant to live in cages.
* Dolphins are intelligent creatures.
* Zoos cause more harm than good
* Euthanize dogs that have bitten more than once
* Ban slaughter houses for horses
* Why dogs are man’s best friend
* Not allowing people to keep exotic animals as pets
* Pit bulls aren’t the problem, it’s their owners

Government and the Law

* Two child max rule should apply worldwide.
* Smoking in all public places should be illegal worldwide.
* Legalize abortion for rape and incest cases.
* Buyers should be punished even harsher than poachers.
* Cosmetic surgery should be regulated.
* Equal punishment and less protection for celebrities who break the law
* Impose bi-annual drivers tests for people over 60
* People on welfare should be drug tested to receive welfare, and at random to keep it
* Moral and legal stance on capital punishment
* Immigrants should be required to speak the primary language of the country they wish to immigrate to
* Red light cameras at every traffic light
* Everyone having access to affordable or even free universal health care
* The government is no longer “by the people and for the people”
* Impose stricter federal restrictions on internet content
* Making self-defense courses available to the public
* Regulate automobile emissions
* All weapons must be registered with the police
* The government shouldn’t censor information given online
* Stricter punishments for driving drunk
* No death penalty for juveniles
* Higher standards held for the President
* Weeding out the dirty politicians
* Protecting the quality of drinking water in America
* Criminals should pay restitution to their victims rather than to society
* Eliminate cursing on day-time television
* Restrictions on garbage output to reduce pollution and carbon footprint
* Legal issues are the best sources to find suggestions for persuasive speech topics.
* There is a need for more prisons.
* Human rights must be respected.


* People need to visit dentists more often.
* Fast foods must be more expensive than healthier foods.
* Music has healing power.
* Fast food restaurants are not responsible for obesity.
* Eating fruit is healthier than drinking fruit juice.
* Medical marijuana isn’t a cure.
* Vegan diets are too extreme.
* Benefits of drinking 2L of water per day is a myth.
*Calcium doesn’t make teeth stronger.
* Losing weight is easy, keeping it off is not.
* Aging cannot be reversed.
* Fat isn’t bad for you.
* Electronic cigarettes are harmful.
* Diet pills do not work.
* Balanced sugar-free nutrition is an effective treatment for ADHD.
* Hospitals should allow owners of pets to have their pets brought in
* Buying local goods is better for the economy and for our health
* The impact of consuming all organic foods on our bodies
* The benefits of alternative medicine vs. Western medicine
* HIV and AIDS testing done annually for Health Care Professional
* Fast food and the war on obesity
* Morbidly obese people should have to pay more for public transportation
* Healthcare should include a gym membership and nutrition counseling



* The negative implications of Facebook
* Television programs must be censored before broadcasting.
* Talking during movies at the theater is rude behavior.
* How the paparazzi hinders free press
* The good and bad when it comes to Google
* The paparazzi are the real stalkers.
* Celebrities get away with everything.
* Video games are not evil.
* Downloading copyrighted MP3s is piracy.
* Sex and violence on television is harmful to children.
* Ad spots in news programs should be banned.
* News media should give equal attention to all politicians.
* There is nothing real about reality TV.
* Social media should be blocked at work places.
* Fake news writers should be punished.
* Word of mouth will always be the best form of advertising.
* TV’s will soon be a thing of the past.
* Romantic movies set unrealistic standards.
* Ads aimed at children should be strictly regulated.
* Television has become the number two news source after the internet and tv will be further downsized.
* Beer advertisements promote irresponsible drinking and ought to be banned from the communal street views.
* Harry Potter books are popular even among adults.
* News reporters earn money because of people who make a mess of their lives.
* No news is good news!
* Books should never be burned in public.



* Advantages of having a three-day weekend instead of a two-day weekend
* Why everyone should visit Disney World
* Allow married women to enter Miss World and Miss Universe pageants.
* There couldn’t be enough beauty contests for children!
* Beauty contests degrade women.
* Some market toys provoke and promote violent behavior.
* Mac is better than PC
* Santiago de Chile tourists must be made aware of pickpocketers. (or another city)
* Love is far more powerful than hate
* Make free public wi-fi available
* Bike-sharing programs
* Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is not nobel.
* The morals behind lying
* Silly games like Candy Crush are making people * less intelligent
* Using hands-free devices while driving
* Using lie detector tests for employment purposes
* What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
* Money can’t buy happiness
* Is Batman a real superhero?
* Why there aren’t more female construction workers
* Lie detector tests are inaccurate.
* Organic food tastes better.
* Alternative power is the answer to our energy crisis.
* It’s immoral to genetically design babies.
* Every property needs to have at least one tree.
* Nursery rhymes need to be looked at better.
* Hostels are not a place for children.
* Plant fruit trees on sidewalks.
* Religion and science can go hand in hand.
* Everyone should know how to swim.
* Not wearing a seat belt a personal choice.
* Opposites will always attract.
* Climate change is always changing.
* Not enough is done to end world hunger.
* Battery farming is unethical.
* People shouldn’t be paying for drivers licenses.
* Smokers make the most acquaintances.
* First impressions are always right.
* Cash should be abandoned completely.
* Allow mind reading during poker.
* Minimum wage is too low.
* Security cameras are an invasion of privacy.
* Clients don’t want birthday messages from businesses.
* Allow casual dress clothes in the workplace.
* Make public transport free.
* The welfare system doesn’t work.
* Organ donors should be paid.
* All kids on a winning team should get a trophy.
* Illegal immigrants don’t harm the economy.
* Humans are vegetarian by nature.
* Self-driving cars will cause fewer accidents.
* It is time to include internet slang to dictionaries.
* Teens are unfairly stereotyped.
* Group homes are better than foster care.
* Guns don’t kill people.
* Fracking is dangerous.
* Money isn’t the root of all evil.
* Being homeless is a choice.
* The school curriculum is too overloaded.
* Graffiti is art.
* Priests shouldn’t be giving marriage counseling.
* Everyone must be taught to do CPR.
* Juvenile crime is dealt with incorrectly.
* Older generations were crueler.
* Royal families are not needed in this day and age.
* Fame will always be bad for children.
* Prisoners must not be allowed tovote.
* Yearly HIV tests for all health professionals.
* Being skinny is no longer cool.
* Lego’s are not gender bias.
* The drought in Cape Town will happen in other parts of the world too.
* Employees know more than employers.
* Adoption records should be opened.
* Affirmative action is false competition in the workspace.
* Aids tests should be required in federal prisons – for all inmates and the prison guards too.
* The millimeter wave scanner at airports security zones strikes out all privacy that we fought for.
* Water management in our home really does matter.
* Why you should only buy fair trade.
* Hundred percent airline safety is an utopia.
* Helping runaways is a crime.
* Help addicted popstars immediately and save them.
* Hands free cell phone use in cars must be promoted better.
* Drivers quickly forget their drivers education.
* The driving age for teens should be raised to 18.
* The 1st Amendment is not a shield for hate groups.
* Reducing crime is a utopia.
* Impose trade and social sanctions on countries that do not prohibit child labor.
* More cold cases will be solved if investigators make use of DNA available.
* Ban the sale of guns at shops and stores.
* Saying what you want must not include hate speech.
* Immigrants must learn the language of the country they move to.
* Refund or rebate extra taxes collected plus interest on it to those who paid.
* Help the homeless down the streets and persuade them to look for work.
* Cell phone use is dangerous while driving.
* How Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.
* History of our National Anthem and rituals.
* Paying off mortgage debt early is a good investment.
* Global awareness makes us responsible citizens of the world.

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